Table contraints
set linesize 230 set pagesize 9999 COLUMN constraint_name FORMAT A35 HEADING "Constraint Name" COLUMN constraint_type FORMAT A11 HEADING "Constraint Type" COLUMN column_name FORMAT A30 HEADING "Column name" COLUMN search_condition FORMAT A15 HEADING "Search Condition" COLUMN r_constraint_name FORMAT A20 HEADING "R / Constraint Name" COLUMN delete_rule FORMAT A11 HEADING "Delete Rule" COLUMN status HEADING "Status" BREAK ON constraint_name ON constraint_type SELECT a.constraint_name , DECODE(a.constraint_type , 'P', 'Primary Key' , 'C', 'Check' , 'R', 'Referential' , 'V', 'View Check' , 'U', 'Unique' , a.constraint_type ) constraint_type , b.column_name , a.search_condition , NVL2(a.r_owner, a.r_owner || '.' || a.r_constraint_name, null) r_constraint_name , a.delete_rule , a.status FROM dba_constraints a , dba_cons_columns b WHERE a.owner = UPPER('&schema_name') AND a.table_name = UPPER('&table_name') AND a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name AND b.owner = UPPER('&schema_name') AND b.table_name = UPPER('&table_name') ORDER BY a.constraint_name , b.position /