Show object info
SET LINESIZE 135 SET PAGESIZE 9999 COLUMN owner FORMAT A15 HEADING "Owner" COLUMN object_name FORMAT A35 HEADING "Object Name" COLUMN object_type FORMAT A18 HEADING "Object Type" COLUMN created HEADING "Created" COLUMN status HEADING "Status" SELECT owner , object_name , object_type , TO_CHAR(created, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') created , LPAD(status, 7) status FROM all_objects WHERE object_name like UPPER('%&OBJECT_NAME%') ORDER BY owner, object_name, object_type /
Objects summary
SET LINESIZE 135 SET PAGESIZE 9999 COLUMN owner FORMAT A15 HEADING "Owner" COLUMN object_type FORMAT A18 HEADING "Object Type" COLUMN obj_count FORMAT 999,999,999 HEADING "Object Count" break on report on owner skip 2 compute sum label "" of obj_count on owner compute sum label "Grand Total: " of obj_count on report SELECT owner , object_type , count(*) obj_count FROM dba_objects GROUP BY owner , object_type /